Look up!
Look up!
Do you sense a new horizon?
Do you sense a
new horizon?
Humanity is at a crossroads.
Whether we break apart or break through depends on one thing:
our ability to navigate the winds of change.
Humanity is at a crossroads. Whether we break apart or break through depends on one thing: our ability to navigate the
winds of change.
The Flight School cultivates the wisdom and courage to lead in turbulent times.
The Flight School cultivates the wisdom and courage to lead in turbulent times.
Through immersive experiences, trusted mentors, and a global community, we're equipping the rising generation to
build a world that works for everyone.
Founded by two innovators reimagining how we
learn, launch and lead.
Founded by two innovators reimagining how we
learn, launch & lead.

Abby Falik
Abby Falik
Co-founder, CEO

Chalon Bridges
Chalon Bridges
Co-founder, CXO
Guided by the world’s most inspired and impactful leaders
Ashanti Branch
Chip Conley
Mia Birdsong
Sanjay Purohit
Stephanie Harrison
Wendy Kopp
Casper ter Kuile
Eddie Ndopu
Ready to learn more?
Ready to learn more?
Ready to learn more?
The Flight School addresses one of society's highest priorities: ensuring the rising generation lives into their values – and their potential to shape a better future.

Wendy Kopp
CEO & Co-Founder, Teach For All
The Flight School addresses one of society's highest priorities: ensuring the rising generation lives into their values – and their potential to shape a better future.

Wendy Kopp
CEO & Co-Founder, Teach For All
The Flight School addresses one of society's highest priorities: ensuring the rising generation lives into their values – and their potential to shape a better future.

Wendy Kopp
CEO & Co-Founder, Teach For All